1st FBRA meeting is 4/27, 10am at the Firehouse. Agenda to follow.
December 11, 2023
Dear Fairview Beach Community:
As many of you already know, we lost a valued member of our community, Connie Gallahan. Connie passed away on Sunday, December 3, 2023, at Mary Washington Hospital.
Connie was a much loved and respected member of the Fairview Beach community. Her many initiatives and accomplishments will be forever woven into the ever–changing landscape that is Fairview Beach. She did not know a stranger.
She was one of the first people to welcome me to Fairview Beach when I moved here in 2010. I would often chat with her when she would be out riding around in her golf cart, proudly flying her FVB golf cart flag. She always had a smile on her face and a bright hello and wave. I will miss that.
Connie was instrumental in securing authorization from King George County in 2007 to operate golf carts in the community. She worked on the golf cart committee from that time until her death. Connie also served on the Fairview Beach Residents Association Board for a time.
Many of you may not know but it was Coach Connie’s suggestion to start a volleyball match between residents of 2nd and 7th Streets as part of the festivities of FVB day when it was held on 8th Street, and she continued to organize the volleyball games for several years after that. Look how that small, friendly rivalry between two streets’ residents has evolved into one of the main attractions of FVB Day today!
And who could ever forget Connie’s hot dogs at beach clean up days?! She was known for cooking it just how you liked it. Charring them was her specialty. What a hoot!
Many of you have memories or funny stories about her. There have been many suggestions from the community on ways to recognize Connie and her contributions to the community. The FBRA Board will be looking into ways to honor and memorialize her. Please forward any suggestions to me or any Board member.
In closing, and on behalf of the Fairview Beach Residents Association, we would like to extend our personal condolences to Connie’s family and close friends. Connie, you will be missed.
Thank you,
Tommie Klise
President, FBRA
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Reminders to ensure our beaches and common areas are safe and enjoyable.
– The beaches and boat ramp are for the use and enjoyment of FVB residents and their guests. ALL BEACHES IN FAIRVIEW BEACH ARE PRIVATE. THERE ARE NO PUBLIC BEACHES. No trespassing signs are installed and violators may be subject to removal, fines and/or arrest.
– BEACH ACCESS – NO VEHICLE PARKING IS ALLOWED! VEHICLES PARKED IN THESE AREAS OR AREAS ADJACENT TO THEM WILL BE TOWED AT THE OWNER’S EXPENSE. Beach access areas are at 1st St, 8th St, 10th St and 12th St. Please try to park golf carts in an orderly fashion so as not to impede ingress/egress of others.
– NO VEHICLE PARKING at the boat ramp except for golf carts in designated areas. NOTE: The open area across from the boat ramp at 8th St is PRIVATE PROPERTY. It is not common area and is not to be used for vehicle parking.
– Boaters, when using the 8th St. boat ramp, please limit your loading and unloading operations to 30 minutes. Do not leave your vehicle and/or trailer unattended or parked in this area. Return your vehicle and trailer to your own property.
– When using the beach, make sure trash goes into the recyclable or non-recyclable container. If you see trash, please help keep our beaches and river clean and put into the provided containers.
– You may notice a burn pile on the beaches, any burning should be planned around weather (and any local burn laws), ensuring winds take smoke out over the river.
– If you placed an anchor rod in the river to attach your watercraft, please make sure it has a buoy marker. Several swimmers have scraped their feet on barnacle covered rods that are not marked.
– Make sure your golf cart has been inspected and registered. See golf carts on the www.fairviewbeach.org website for more.
– Be familiar with golf cart regulations. In King George, drivers must have a valid DMV license and a properly registered cart.
– Use the pet waste stations. If you are out with your pets, please dispose of pet waste in the pet waste station containers. Dogs cannot run at large. See county ordinance http://kinggeorgecounty.elaws.us/code/coor_ch3_artiii.
– Do not use the firehouse dumpster for community disposal.
Let’s all do our part to treat our neighbors and our common areas with respect and cooperation to ensure we can enjoy stress-free days at the beach. Thank you for making FVB a great place to live!
Membership is open to all property owners and residents of Fairview Beach. Annual dues are used to support the maintenance of the beaches, common areas, and the administrative costs of the Association. They also qualify a member to vote on issues affecting the beach community, and entitle the member to join the Topside Federal Credit Union. Annual dues for 2023 are $100 per calendar year.
The FBRA membership letters for 2023 will be “snail” mailed to all residents and property owners of Fairview Beach in early January. If you don’t receive a letter, but wish to join the Association, please consider the two options described below.
You can print a copy of Membership Application 2023 which has instructions on how to complete the membership slip, and return it along with your check to the Association.
The second option is to pay the membership dues online through the FBRA store. You can use this option, whether or not you received a membership letter in the mail.
When you click on the link at FBRA store, a screen appears that displays all of the “store” items. Select the “2023 FBRA Membership Dues” item, and follow the prompts.
You will be asked to provide your contact information- specifically your name, mailing address, beach address, primary phone number, secondary phone, and up to two email addresses. It is still necessary to collect this data to maintain the integrity of our FBRA database.