Trailer Park

August 2017
Possibility of Park on Trailer Park Property Mike said when Maryland expands the 301 Bridge, adjacent land will be taken from King George County. For every acre taken, Maryland will purchase 2 acres for KG Co. There has been talk that the trailer park property, which is for sale, could be then used as a park for King George. However, it was said that Fairview Beach residents did not want a park there. Mike wasn’t aware of a recent discussion about this and asked what everyone thought. There was no strong consensus either way. Most were not opposed but needed more information about details before they would be in favor of it

December, 2013

From Tom Hudson:

The town house project appears to be on terminal hold and the county has some issues with that because they were suppose to pay for the new well that is currently being installed.  I would not be surprised to see the project started after the well is installed.  They also still owe the FBRA $20k for backing the rezoning.  They will have some difficulty getting permits from the county based on their actions.

December, 2010

Although the trailer park area was rezoned over a year ago, there has been no word on if or when the town house project will start.  The owners were supposed to submit water improvements to the County nearly a year ago, but there has been no action.

August 19, 2009

The King George Board of Supervisors unanimously voted in favor of rezoning the trailer park area, so that Fairview B, LLC can construct the town house development.

August 4, 2009

Vote delayed again until August 18th

July 21, 2009

The vote for rezoning the trailer park area was delayed again, until August 4th.

June 16, 2009

The K.G. Board of Supervisors met to discuss and supposedly vote on the rezoning of the trailer park.  Approximately 50 to 60 residents were on hand to support the rezoning.

Jack Green gave a presentation to the Board, and explained why the Planning Commission had rejected the request earlier. He also cited changes to proffers made by Fairview B LLC (owners of the real estate in question) to address issues cited earlier.

Fairview B LLC also addressed the Board, and highlighted the advantages to both Fairview Beach and King George County. They noted that the number of planned town houses was reduced from 74 to 60.  They also mentioned that residents now have 3 years (up from 1 year) to relocate, and the residents will be given $1,000 per household to help with expenses.

Here is a summary of the Supervisors’ views:


  • Mullen- cited conflict of interest, did not participate
  • Howard- asked for more focus on traffic safety, but indicated support
  • Sisson- indicated support
  • Brooks- indicated NO support
  • Grzeika- said he could not support plan as is, but could support it if certain proffers were legally binding.  Grzeika asked for a delay to work out the issues with Fairview B LLC.
  • The vote is now planned for Tuesday, July 21st.January, 2009The K.G. Planning Commission  disapproved the request from the owners of the trailer park to rezone that property for condos. The issue will be presented to the Board of Supervisors, and the Association will show support for the rezoning.October, 2008The owners have submitted a request to the County to change the zoning of the trailer park.

    The owners of the trailer park have proposed to replace 30 campers and 60 trailers with 74 unit townhouses.  This will require a change in zoning from C-1 to R-3.

    The owners have presented their plan to the surrounding community, and it appears to be well received.

    The next step is to approach the County.  Richard Stuart was handling the legal matters for the owners before he was elected to the Virginia senate.  Action will pick up again when Stuart’s replacement is named.  We do not have any word as of August 1, 2008.

    Assuming that the plan is approved, residents of the trailer park will be given one year to relocate.