According to the By-laws, the Board of Directors shall be composed of the four (4) elected officers and five (5) elected board members. Each officer and board member shall be elected for a two-year term. The terms of office shall be staggered. The President, Secretary, and three (3) board members shall be elected in even numbered years. The Vice-President, Treasurer, and two (2) board members shall be elected in odd numbered years.
Office, Name, Tenure
President, Tommie Klise (2022-2024)
V. President, Salli Hartman (2021-2023)
Secretary, Shirley Buckley (2022-2024)
Treasurer, Sheila Garrick (2021-2023)
Board Members:
Gary McCollum (2022-2024)
Bryan Metts (2022-2024)
Susan Dodson (2022-2024)
Mike Bennett (2021-2023)
June Attmanspacher (2021-2023)
Use the form below to contact the board.